Monday, May 7, 2012

Ninety Nights

Let me tell you about last night.
    In the concert hall, I sat front and center. Several times I had to turn around toward the audience members and scream "Fuck You." When the lights went dim I stood and became face to face with a drug dealer who's always expressing how badly he wants to fuck me. He mouthed "Come on."
    So I kissed him. Hard. Because I had something to prove and this was the only way I could get the point across. And the audience went quiet. When we parted lips I saw you in the back, stand up and head toward the exit. I thought, I bet I could get there first.
    Outside the concert hall you hit me. Hard. Because I had nothing to prove. And this was the only way you could get me to stay quiet. When you began to part the scene, I pulled a cigarette from my back pocket. You told me "I'm running out of patience Sunnie." I thought, I bet I could get there first.